
On Informative Path Planning for Tracking and Surveillance

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Release : 2019-05-23
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Kind : eBook
Book Rating : 757/5 ( reviews)


Book Synopsis On Informative Path Planning for Tracking and Surveillance by : Per Boström-Rost

Download or read book On Informative Path Planning for Tracking and Surveillance written by Per Boström-Rost. This book was released on 2019-05-23. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: This thesis studies a class of sensor management problems called informative path planning (IPP). Sensor management refers to the problem of optimizing control inputs for sensor systems in dynamic environments in order to achieve operational objectives. The problems are commonly formulated as stochastic optimal control problems, where to objective is to maximize the information gained from future measurements. In IPP, the control inputs affect the movement of the sensor platforms, and the goal is to compute trajectories from where the sensors can obtain measurements that maximize the estimation performance. The core challenge lies in making decisions based on the predicted utility of future measurements. In linear Gaussian settings, the estimation performance is independent of the actual measurements. This means that IPP becomes a deterministic optimal control problem, for which standard numerical optimization techniques can be applied. This is exploited in the first part of this thesis. A surveillance application is considered, where a mobile sensor is gathering information about features of interest while avoiding being tracked by an adversarial observer. The problem is formulated as an optimization problem that allows for a trade-off between informativeness and stealth. We formulate a theorem that makes it possible to reformulate a class of nonconvex optimization problems with matrix-valued variables as convex optimization problems. This theorem is then used to prove that the seemingly intractable IPP problem can be solved to global optimality using off-the-shelf optimization tools. The second part of this thesis considers tracking of a maneuvering target using a mobile sensor with limited field of view. The problem is formulated as an IPP problem, where the goal is to generate a sensor trajectory that maximizes the expected tracking performance, captured by a measure of the covariance matrix of the target state estimate. When the measurements are nonlinear functions of the target state, the tracking performance depends on the actual measurements, which depend on the target’s trajectory. Since these are unavailable in the planning stage, the problem becomes a stochastic optimal control problem. An approximation of the problem based on deterministic sampling of the distribution of the predicted target trajectory is proposed. It is demonstrated in a simulation study that the proposed method significantly increases the tracking performance compared to a conventional approach that neglects the uncertainty in the future target trajectory.

Informative Path Planning and Sensor Scheduling for Persistent Monitoring Tasks

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Release : 2013
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Kind : eBook
Book Rating : /5 ( reviews)


Book Synopsis Informative Path Planning and Sensor Scheduling for Persistent Monitoring Tasks by : Syed Talha Jawaid

Download or read book Informative Path Planning and Sensor Scheduling for Persistent Monitoring Tasks written by Syed Talha Jawaid. This book was released on 2013. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: In this thesis we consider two combinatorial optimization problems that relate to the field of persistent monitoring.

Motion planning and feedback control techniques with applications to long tractor-trailer vehicles

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Release : 2020-04-20
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Kind : eBook
Book Rating : 583/5 ( reviews)


Book Synopsis Motion planning and feedback control techniques with applications to long tractor-trailer vehicles by : Oskar Ljungqvist

Download or read book Motion planning and feedback control techniques with applications to long tractor-trailer vehicles written by Oskar Ljungqvist. This book was released on 2020-04-20. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: During the last decades, improved sensor and hardware technologies as well as new methods and algorithms have made self-driving vehicles a realistic possibility in the near future. At the same time, there has been a growing demand within the transportation sector to increase efficiency and to reduce the environmental impact related to transportation of people and goods. Therefore, many leading automotive and technology companies have turned their attention towards developing advanced driver assistance systems and self-driving vehicles. Autonomous vehicles are expected to have their first big impact in closed environments, such as mines, harbors, loading and offloading sites. In such areas, the legal requirements are less restrictive and the surrounding environment is more controlled and predictable compared to urban areas. Expected positive outcomes include increased productivity and safety, reduced emissions and the possibility to relieve the human from performing complex or dangerous tasks. Within these sites, tractor-trailer vehicles are frequently used for transportation. These vehicles are composed of several interconnected vehicle segments, and are therefore large, complex and unstable while reversing. This thesis addresses the problem of designing efficient motion planning and feedback control techniques for such systems. The contributions of this thesis are within the area of motion planning and feedback control for long tractor-trailer combinations operating at low-speeds in closed and unstructured environments. It includes development of motion planning and feedback control frameworks, structured design tools for guaranteeing closed-loop stability and experimental validation of the proposed solutions through simulations, lab and field experiments. Even though the primary application in this work is tractor-trailer vehicles, many of the proposed approaches can with some adjustments also be used for other systems, such as drones and ships. The developed sampling-based motion planning algorithms are based upon the probabilistic closed-loop rapidly exploring random tree (CL-RRT) algorithm and the deterministic lattice-based motion planning algorithm. It is also proposed to use numerical optimal control offline for precomputing libraries of optimized maneuvers as well as during online planning in the form of a warm-started optimization step. To follow the motion plan, several predictive path-following control approaches are proposed with different computational complexity and performance. Common for these approaches are that they use a path-following error model of the vehicle for future predictions and are tailored to operate in series with a motion planner that computes feasible paths. The design strategies for the path-following approaches include linear quadratic (LQ) control and several advanced model predictive control (MPC) techniques to account for physical and sensing limitations. To strengthen the practical value of the developed techniques, several of the proposed approaches have been implemented and successfully demonstrated in field experiments on a full-scale test platform. To estimate the vehicle states needed for control, a novel nonlinear observer is evaluated on the full-scale test vehicle. It is designed to only utilize information from sensors that are mounted on the tractor, making the system independent of any sensor mounted on the trailer. Under de senaste årtiondena har utvecklingen av sensor- och hårdvaruteknik gått i en snabb takt, samtidigt som nya metoder och algoritmer har introducerats. Samtidigt ställs det stora krav på transportsektorn att öka effektiviteten och minska miljöpåverkan vid transporter av både människor och varor. Som en följd av detta har många ledande fordonstillverkare och teknikföretag börjat satsat på att utveckla avancerade förarstödsystem och självkörande fordon. Även forskningen inom autonoma fordon har under de senaste årtiondena kraftig ökat då en rad tekniska problem återstår att lösas. Förarlösa fordon förväntas få sitt första stora genombrott i slutna miljöer, såsom gruvor, hamnar, lastnings- och lossningsplatser. I sådana områden är lagstiftningen mindre hård jämfört med stadsområden och omgivningen är mer kontrollerad och förutsägbar. Några av de förväntade positiva effekterna är ökad produktivitet och säkerhet, minskade utsläpp och möjligheten att avlasta människor från att utföra svåra eller farliga uppgifter. Inom dessa platser används ofta lastbilar med olika släpvagnskombinationer för att transportera material. En sådan fordonskombination är uppbyggd av flera ihopkopplade moduler och är således utmanande att backa då systemet är instabilt. Detta gör det svårt att utforma ramverk för att styra sådana system vid exempelvis autonom backning. Självkörande fordon är mycket komplexa system som består av en rad olika komponenter vilka är designade för att lösa separata delproblem. Två viktiga komponenter i ett självkörande fordon är dels rörelseplaneraren som har i uppgift att planera hur fordonet ska röra sig för att på ett säkert sätt nå ett överordnat mål, och dels den banföljande regulatorn vars uppgift är att se till att den planerade manövern faktiskt utförs i praktiken trots störningar och modellfel. I denna avhandling presenteras flera olika algoritmer för att planera och utföra komplexa manövrar för lastbilar med olika typer av släpvagnskombinationer. De presenterade algoritmerna är avsedda att användas som avancerade förarstödsystem eller som komponenter i ett helt autonomt system. Även om den primära applikationen i denna avhandling är lastbilar med släp, kan många av de förslagna algoritmerna även användas för en rad andra system, så som drönare och båtar. Experimentell validering är viktigt för att motivera att en föreslagen algoritm är användbar i praktiken. I denna avhandling har flera av de föreslagna planerings- och reglerstrategierna implementerats på en småskalig testplattform och utvärderats i en kontrollerad labbmiljö. Utöver detta har även flera av de föreslagna ramverken implementerats och utvärderats i fältexperiment på en fullskalig test-plattform som har utvecklats i samarbete med Scania CV. Här utvärderas även en ny metod för att skatta släpvagnens beteende genom att endast utnyttja information från sensorer monterade på lastbilen, vilket gör det föreslagna ramverket oberoende av sensorer monterade på släpvagnen.

On Motion Planning Using Numerical Optimal Control

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Release : 2019-05-28
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Kind : eBook
Book Rating : 579/5 ( reviews)


Book Synopsis On Motion Planning Using Numerical Optimal Control by : Kristoffer Bergman

Download or read book On Motion Planning Using Numerical Optimal Control written by Kristoffer Bergman. This book was released on 2019-05-28. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: During the last decades, motion planning for autonomous systems has become an important area of research. The high interest is not the least due to the development of systems such as self-driving cars, unmanned aerial vehicles and robotic manipulators. In this thesis, the objective is not only to find feasible solutions to a motion planning problem, but solutions that also optimize some kind of performance measure. From a control perspective, the resulting problem is an instance of an optimal control problem. In this thesis, the focus is to further develop optimal control algorithms such that they be can used to obtain improved solutions to motion planning problems. This is achieved by combining ideas from automatic control, numerical optimization and robotics. First, a systematic approach for computing local solutions to motion planning problems in challenging environments is presented. The solutions are computed by combining homotopy methods and numerical optimal control techniques. The general principle is to define a homotopy that transforms, or preferably relaxes, the original problem to an easily solved problem. The approach is demonstrated in motion planning problems in 2D and 3D environments, where the presented method outperforms both a state-of-the-art numerical optimal control method based on standard initialization strategies and a state-of-the-art optimizing sampling-based planner based on random sampling. Second, a framework for automatically generating motion primitives for lattice-based motion planners is proposed. Given a family of systems, the user only needs to specify which principle types of motions that are relevant for the considered system family. Based on the selected principle motions and a selected system instance, the algorithm not only automatically optimizes the motions connecting pre-defined boundary conditions, but also simultaneously optimizes the terminal state constraints as well. In addition to handling static a priori known system parameters such as platform dimensions, the framework also allows for fast automatic re-optimization of motion primitives if the system parameters change while the system is in use. Furthermore, the proposed framework is extended to also allow for an optimization of discretization parameters, that are are used by the lattice-based motion planner to define a state-space discretization. This enables an optimized selection of these parameters for a specific system instance. Finally, a unified optimization-based path planning approach to efficiently compute locally optimal solutions to advanced path planning problems is presented. The main idea is to combine the strengths of sampling-based path planners and numerical optimal control. The lattice-based path planner is applied to the problem in a first step using a discretized search space, where system dynamics and objective function are chosen to coincide with those used in a second numerical optimal control step. This novel tight combination of a sampling-based path planner and numerical optimal control makes, in a structured way, benefit of the former method’s ability to solve combinatorial parts of the problem and the latter method’s ability to obtain locally optimal solutions not constrained to a discretized search space. The proposed approach is shown in several practically relevant path planning problems to provide improvements in terms of computation time, numerical reliability, and objective function value.

Decentralized Estimation Using Conservative Information Extraction

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Release : 2020-12-17
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Kind : eBook
Book Rating : 242/5 ( reviews)


Book Synopsis Decentralized Estimation Using Conservative Information Extraction by : Robin Forsling

Download or read book Decentralized Estimation Using Conservative Information Extraction written by Robin Forsling. This book was released on 2020-12-17. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Sensor networks consist of sensors (e.g., radar and cameras) and processing units (e.g., estimators), where in the former information extraction occurs and in the latter estimates are formed. In decentralized estimation information extracted by sensors has been pre-processed at an intermediate processing unit prior to arriving at an estimator. Pre-processing of information allows for the complexity of large systems and systems-of-systems to be significantly reduced, and also makes the sensor network robust and flexible. One of the main disadvantages of pre-processing information is that information becomes correlated. These correlations, if not handled carefully, potentially lead to underestimated uncertainties about the calculated estimates. In conservative estimation the unknown correlations are handled by ensuring that the uncertainty about an estimate is not underestimated. If this is ensured the estimate is said to be conservative. Neglecting correlations means information is double counted which in worst case implies diverging estimates with fatal consequences. While ensuring conservative estimates is the main goal, it is desirable for a conservative estimator, as for any estimator, to provide an error covariance which is as small as possible. Application areas where conservative estimation is relevant are setups where multiple agents cooperate to accomplish a common objective, e.g., target tracking, surveillance and air policing. The first part of this thesis deals with theoretical matters where the conservative linear unbiased estimation problem is formalized. This part proposes an extension of classical linear estimation theory to the conservative estimation problem. The conservative linear unbiased estimator (CLUE) is suggested as a robust and practical alternative for estimation problems where the correlations are unknown. Optimality criteria for the CLUE are provided and further investigated. It is shown that finding an optimal CLUE is more complicated than finding an optimal linear unbiased estimator in the classical version of the problem. To simplify the problem, a CLUE that is optimal under certain restrictions will also be investigated. The latter is named restricted best CLUE. An important result is a theorem that gives a closed form solution to a restricted best CLUE. Furthermore, several conservative estimation methods are described followed by an analysis of their properties. The methods are shown to be conservative and optimal under different assumptions about the underlying correlations. The second part of the thesis focuses on practical aspects of the conservative approach to decentralized estimation in configurations where the communication channel is constrained. The diagonal covariance approximation is proposed as a data reduction technique that complies with the communication constraints and if handled correctly can be shown to preserve conservative estimates. Several information selection methods are derived that can reduce the amount of data being transmitted in the communication channel. Using the information selection methods it is possible to decide what information other actors of the sensor network find useful.

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