Cómo funciona el cuerpo humano (How the Body Works)

Una guía ilustrada a la máquina más sofisticada que existe Cómo funciona el cuerpo humano explora los procesos que ocurren dentro de nuestro cuerpo sin que nos demos cuenta. ¿Por qué nos mareamos o sentimos mariposas en el estómago? ¿Qué ocurre cuando sentimos jetlag? ¿Cómo lee el cerebro las expresiones faciales? ¿Cuál es la mecánica de la tos y los estornudos? Éstas son solo algunas de las intrigantes preguntas a las que conseguirás dar respuesta con este libro. Aprender sobre el cuerpo humano nunca fue tan sencillo y divertido. Este libro apoya la comprensión de los textos con increíbles ilustraciones a color que muestran detalles y curiosidades que ayudan a descubrir todos los secretos que esconde nuestro cuerpo. El cuerpo humano y sus procesos son de plena actualidad y este libro te dará las pautas para entender tu cuerpo, cuidar tu salud y entender las noticias.

September 25, 2018

Biología para Dummies

Desde las moléculas y las células hasta los animales y los ecosistemas, esta guía práctica contesta todas tus preguntas sobre el funcionamiento de los seres vivos. Escrita con un lenguaje llano y repleta de útiles ilustraciones, tablas y diagramas, va directa al grano con explicaciones sencillas de los procesos vitales comunes a todos los organismos. 

February 18, 2014
Rene Fester Kratz & Donna Rae Siegfried
Para Dummies

The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks

#1  NEW YORK TIMES  BESTSELLER • “The story of modern medicine and bioethics—and, indeed, race relations—is refracted beautifully, and movingly.”— Entertainment Weekly NOW A MAJOR MOTION PICTURE FROM HBO® STARRING OPRAH WINFREY AND ROSE BYRNE • ONE OF THE “MOST INFLUENTIAL” (CNN), “DEFINING” ( LITHUB ), AND “BEST” ( THE PHILADELPHIA INQUIRER ) BOOKS OF THE DECADE • ONE OF  ESSENCE ’S 50 MOST IMPACTFUL BLACK BOOKS OF THE PAST 50 YEARS • WINNER OF THE  CHICAGO TRIBUNE  HEARTLAND PRIZE FOR NONFICTION NAMED ONE OF THE BEST BOOKS OF THE YEAR BY  The New York Times Book Review  •  Entertainment Weekly  •  O: The Oprah Magazine  • NPR •  Financial Times  •  New York  •  Independent  (U.K.) •  Times  (U.K.) •  Publishers Weekly  •  Library Journal  •  Kirkus Reviews  •  Booklist  •  Globe and Mail Her name was Henrietta Lacks, but scientists know her as HeLa. She was a poor Southern tobacco farmer who worked the same land as her slave ancestors, yet her cells—taken without her knowledge—became one of the most important tools in medicine: The first “immortal” human cells grown in culture, which are still alive today, though she has been dead for more than sixty years. HeLa cells were vital for developing the polio vaccine; uncovered secrets of cancer, viruses, and the atom bomb’s effects; helped lead to important advances like in vitro fertilization, cloning, and gene mapping; and have been bought and sold by the billions.  Yet Henrietta Lacks remains virtually unknown, buried in an unmarked grave. Henrietta’s family did not learn of her “immortality” until more than twenty years after her death, when scientists investigating HeLa began using her husband and children in research without informed consent. And though the cells had launched a multimillion-dollar industry that sells human biological materials, her family never saw any of the profits. As Rebecca Skloot so brilliantly shows, the story of the Lacks family—past and present—is inextricably connected to the dark history of experimentation on African Americans, the birth of bioethics, and the legal battles over whether we control the stuff we are made of.  Over the decade it took to uncover this story, Rebecca became enmeshed in the lives of the Lacks family—especially Henrietta’s daughter Deborah. Deborah was consumed with questions: Had scientists cloned her mother? Had they killed her to harvest her cells? And if her mother was so important to medicine, why couldn’t her children afford health insurance?  Intimate in feeling, astonishing in scope, and impossible to put down,  The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks  captures the beauty and drama of scientific discovery, as well as its human consequences.

February 2, 2010
Rebecca Skloot


Why do we do the things we do? Over a decade in the making, this game-changing book is Robert Sapolsky's genre-shattering attempt to answer that question as fully as perhaps only he could, looking at it from every angle. Sapolsky's storytelling concept is delightful but it also has a powerful intrinsic logic: he starts by looking at the factors that bear on a person's reaction in the precise moment a behavior occurs, and then hops back in time from there, in stages, ultimately ending up at the deep history of our species and its genetic inheritance. And so the first category of explanation is the neurobiological one. What goes on in a person's brain a second before the behavior happens? Then he pulls out to a slightly larger field of vision, a little earlier in time: What sight, sound, or smell triggers the nervous system to produce that behavior? And then, what hormones act hours to days earlier to change how responsive that individual is to the stimuli which trigger the nervous system? By now, he has increased our field of vision so that we are thinking about neurobiology and the sensory world of our environment and endocrinology in trying to explain what happened. Sapolsky keeps going--next to what features of the environment affected that person's brain, and then back to the childhood of the individual, and then to their genetic makeup. Finally, he expands the view to encompass factors larger than that one individual. How culture has shaped that individual's group, what ecological factors helped shape that culture, and on and on, back to evolutionary factors thousands and even millions of years old. The result is one of the most dazzling tours de horizon of the science of human behavior ever attempted, a majestic synthesis that harvests cutting-edge research across a range of disciplines to provide a subtle and nuanced perspective on why we ultimately do the things we do...for good and for ill. Sapolsky builds on this understanding to wrestle with some of our deepest and thorniest questions relating to tribalism and xenophobia, hierarchy and competition, morality and free will, and war and peace. Wise, humane, often very funny, Behave is a towering achievement, powerfully humanizing, and downright heroic in its own right.

May 2, 2017
Robert M. Sapolsky
Penguin Publishing Group

Signature in the Cell

“Signature in the Cell is a defining work in the discussion of life’s origins and the question of whether life is a product of unthinking matter or of an intelligent mind. For those who disagree with ID, the powerful case Meyer presents cannot be ignored in any honest debate. For those who may be sympathetic to ID, on the fence, or merely curious, this book is an engaging, eye-opening, and often eye-popping read” — American Spectator Named one of the top books of 2009 by the Times Literary Supplement (London), this controversial and compelling book from Dr. Stephen C. Meyer presents a convincing new case for intelligent design (ID), based on revolutionary discoveries in science and DNA. Along the way, Meyer argues that Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution as expounded in The Origin of Species did not, in fact, refute ID. If you enjoyed Francis Collins’s The Language of God, you’ll find much to ponder—about evolution, DNA, and intelligent design—in Signature in the Cell.

June 23, 2009
Stephen C. Meyer

The Genius of Birds

“Lovely, celebratory. For all the belittling of ‘bird brains,’ [Ackerman] shows them to be uniquely impressive machines . . .”  — New York Times Book Review  “A lyrical testimony to the wonders of avian intelligence.”  — Scientific American An award-winning science writer tours the globe to reveal what makes birds capable of such extraordinary feats of mental prowess   Birds are astonishingly intelligent creatures. According to revolutionary new research, some birds rival primates and even humans in their remarkable forms of intelligence. In The Genius of Birds , acclaimed author Jennifer Ackerman explores their newly discovered brilliance and how it came about. As she travels around the world to the most cutting-edge frontiers of research, Ackerman not only tells the story of the recently uncovered genius of birds but also delves deeply into the latest findings about the bird brain itself that are shifting our view of what it means to be intelligent. At once personal yet scientific, richly informative and beautifully written, The Genius of Birds celebrates the triumphs of these surprising and fiercely intelligent creatures. Ackerman is also the author of Birds by the Shore: Observing the Natural Life of the Atlantic Coast. 

April 12, 2016
Jennifer Ackerman
Penguin Publishing Group

This Idea Is Brilliant

Brilliant but overlooked ideas you must know, as revealed by today’s most innovative minds  What scientific term or concept ought to be more widely known? That is the question John Brockman, publisher of the acclaimed science salon Edge.org (“The world’s smartest website”—The Guardian), presented to 205 of the world’s most influential thinkers from across the intellectual spectrum—award-winning physicists, economists, psychologists, philosophers, novelists, artists, and more. From the origins of the universe to the order of everyday life, This Idea Is Brilliant takes readers on a tour of the bold, exciting, and underappreciated scientific concepts that will enrich every mind.  Pulitzer Prize–winning author of Guns, Germs, and Steel JARED DIAMOND on the lost brilliance of common sense * Oxford evolutionary biologist RICHARD DAWKINS on how The Genetic Book of the Dead could reconstruct ecological history * philosopher REBECCA NEWBERGER GOLDSTEIN on how to extend our grasp of reality beyond what we can see and touch * author of Seven Brief Lessons on Physics CARLO ROVELLI on the interconnected fabric of information * Booker Prize–winning novelist IAN McEWAN on the Navier-Stokes equations, which govern everything from weather prediction to aircraft design and blood flow * cosmologist LAWRENCE M. KRAUSS on the hidden blessings of uncertainty * psychologist STEVEN PINKER on the fight against entropy * Nobel Prize–winning economist RICHARD THALER on the visionary power of the “premortem” * Grammy Award–winning musician BRIAN ENO on confirmation bias in the Internet age * advertising guru RORY SUTHERLAND on the world-changing power of sex appeal * Harvard physicist LISA RANDALL on the power of the obvious * Wired founding editor KEVIN KELLY on how to optimize your chances at success * Nobel Prize winner FRANK WILCZEK on the creative potential of complementarity * Pulitzer Prize–winning New York Times reporter JOHN MARKOFF on the synthetic metamaterials that soon will transform industry and technology * euroscientist SAM HARRIS on the lost art of intellectual honesty *Berkeley psychologist ALISON GOPNIK on the role of life history in the human story, and many others.

January 16, 2018
John Brockman
Science & Nature
Harper Perennial

Monkey Girl

What should we teach our children about where we come from? Is evolution a lie or good science? Is it incompatible with faith? Have scientists really detected evidence of a creator in nature? From bestselling, Pulitzer Prize-winning author Edward Humes comes a dramatic story of faith, science, and courage unlike any since the famous Scopes Monkey Trial. Monkey Girl takes you behind the scenes of the recent war on evolution in Dover, Pennsylvania, when the town's school board decision to confront the controversy head-on thrust its students, then the entire community, onto the front lines of America's culture wars. Told from the perspectives of all sides of the battle, it is a riveting true story about an epic court case on the teaching of "intelligent design," and what happens when science and religion collide.

October 13, 2009
Edward Humes
Science & Nature
HarperCollins e-books

Borrowed Time

As featured on BBC Radio 4's Start the Week 'A rich, timely study for the era of "global ageing"'- Nature The ageing of the world population is one of the most important issues facing humanity in the 21st century – up there with climate change in its potential global impact. Sometime before 2020, the number of people over 65 worldwide will, for the first time, be greater than the number of 0–4 year olds, and it will keep on rising. The strains this is causing on society are already evident as health and social services everywhere struggle to cope with the care needs of the elderly. But why and how do we age? Scientists have been asking this question for centuries, yet there is still no agreement. There are a myriad competing theories, from the idea that our bodies simply wear out with the rough and tumble of living, like well-worn shoes or a rusting car, to the belief that ageing and death are genetically programmed and controlled. In Borrowed Time, Sue Armstrong tells the story of science's quest to understand ageing and to prevent or delay the crippling conditions so often associated with old age. She focusses inward – on what is going on in our bodies at the most basic level of the cells and genes as the years pass – to look for answers to why and how our skin wrinkles with age, our wounds take much longer to heal than they did when we were kids, and why words escape us at crucial moments in conversation.This book explores these questions and many others through interviews with key scientists in the field of gerontology and with people who have interesting and important stories to tell about their personal experiences of ageing.

January 24, 2019
Sue Armstrong
Bloomsbury Sigma

Class 10 Biology Multiple Choice Questions and Answers (MCQs) PDF

The Class 10 Biology Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) with Answers PDF (Grade 10 Biology MCQ PDF Download): Quiz Questions Chapter 1-10 & Practice Tests with Answers Key (Biology Textbook MCQs, Notes & Study Guide) includes revision guide for problem solving with hundreds of solved MCQs. Class 10 Biology MCQ with Answers PDF book covers basic concepts, analytical and practical assessment tests. "Class 10 Biology MCQ" PDF book helps to practice test questions from exam prep notes. The Class 10 Biology MCQs with Answers PDF eBook includes revision guide with verbal, quantitative, and analytical past papers, solved MCQs. Class 10 Biology Multiple Choice Questions and Answers (MCQs) PDF : Free download chapter 1, a book covers solved quiz questions and answers on chapters: Biotechnology, coordination and control, gaseous exchange, homeostasis, inheritance, internal environment maintenance, man and environment, pharmacology, reproduction, support and movement tests for school and college revision guide. Class 10 Biology Quiz Questions and Answers PDF download, free eBook’s sample covers beginner's solved questions, textbook's study notes to practice tests. The book Class 10 Biology MCQs Chapter 1-10 PDF includes high school question papers to review practice tests for exams. Class 10 Biology Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) with Answers PDF digital edition eBook, a study guide with textbook chapters' tests for NEET/MCAT/MDCAT/SAT/ACT competitive exam. 10th Grade Biology Practice Tests Chapter 1-10 PDF covers problem solving exam tests from biology textbook and practical eBook chapter-wise as: Chapter 1: Biotechnology MCQ Chapter 2: Coordination and Control MCQ Chapter 3: Gaseous Exchange MCQ Chapter 4: Homeostasis MCQ Chapter 5: Inheritance MCQ Chapter 6: Internal Environment Maintenance MCQ Chapter 7: Man and Environment MCQ Chapter 8: Pharmacology MCQ Chapter 9: Reproduction MCQ Chapter 10: Support and Movement MCQ Practice "Biotechnology MCQ" PDF, book's chapter 1 test to solve MCQ questions: Introduction to biotechnology, genetic engineering, alcoholic fermentation, fermentation, carbohydrate fermentation, fermentation and applications, fermenters, lactic acid fermentation, lungs, and single cell protein. Practice "Coordination and Control MCQ" PDF, book's chapter 2 test to solve MCQ questions: Coordination, types of coordination, anatomy, autonomic nervous system, central nervous system, disorders of nervous system, endocrine glands, endocrine system, endocrine system disorders, endocrinology, glucose level, human body parts and structure, human brain, human ear, human nervous system, human physiology, human receptors, life sciences, nervous coordination, nervous system function, nervous system parts and functions, neurons, neuroscience, peripheral nervous system, receptors in humans, spinal cord, what is nervous system, and zoology. Practice "Gaseous Exchange MCQ" PDF, book's chapter 3 test to solve MCQ questions: Gaseous exchange process, gaseous exchange in humans, gaseous exchange in plants, cellular respiration, exchange of gases in humans, lungs, photosynthesis, respiratory disorders, thoracic diseases, and zoology. Practice "Homeostasis MCQ" PDF, book's chapter 4 test to solve MCQ questions: Introduction to homeostasis, plant homeostasis, homeostasis in humans, homeostasis in plants, anatomy, human kidney, human urinary system, kidney disease, kidney disorders, urinary system facts, urinary system functions, urinary system of humans, urinary system structure, and urine composition. Practice "Inheritance MCQ" PDF, book's chapter 5 test to solve MCQ questions: Mendel's laws of inheritance, inheritance: variations and evolution, introduction to chromosomes, chromosomes and cytogenetics, chromosomes and genes, co and complete dominance, DNA structure, genotypes, hydrogen bonding, introduction to genetics, molecular biology, thymine and adenine, and zoology. Practice "Internal Environment Maintenance MCQ" PDF, book's chapter 6 test to solve MCQ questions: Excretory system, homeostasis in humans, homeostasis in plants, kidney disorders, photosynthesis, renal system, urinary system functions, and urinary system of humans. Practice "Man and Environment MCQ" PDF, book's chapter 7 test to solve MCQ questions: Bacteria, pollution, carnivores, conservation of nature, ecological pyramid, ecology, ecosystem balance and human impact, flow of materials and energy in ecosystems, flows of materials and ecosystem energy, interactions in ecosystems, levels of ecological organization, parasites, photosynthesis, pollution: consequences and control, symbiosis, and zoology. Practice "Pharmacology MCQ" PDF, book's chapter 8 test to solve MCQ questions: Introduction to pharmacology, addictive drugs, antibiotics and vaccines, lymphocytes, medicinal drugs, and narcotics drugs. Practice "Reproduction MCQ" PDF, book's chapter 9 test to solve MCQ questions: Introduction to reproduction, sexual reproduction in animals, sexual reproduction in plants, methods of asexual reproduction, mitosis and cell reproduction, sperms, anatomy, angiosperm, calyx, endosperm, gametes, human body parts and structure, invertebrates, microspore, pollination, seed germination, sporophyte, and vegetative propagation. Practice "Support and Movement MCQ" PDF, book's chapter 10 test to solve MCQ questions: Muscles and movements, axial skeleton, components of human skeleton, disorders of skeletal system, elbow joint, human body and skeleton, human body parts and structure, human ear, human skeleton, invertebrates, joint classification, osteoporosis, skeletal system, triceps and bicep, types of joints, and zoology.

June 2, 2023
Arshad Iqbal
Bushra Arshad

Class 10 Biology Quiz Questions and Answers PDF | 10th Grade Biology Test e-Book PDF Download

The Class 10 Biology Questions and Answers PDF Download (Grade 10 Biology Quiz PDF Book): Interview Questions for Teachers/Freshers & Chapter 1-10 Practice Tests (Biology Questions Bank to Ask in Biologist Interview) includes revision guide for problem solving with hundreds of solved questions. Class 10 Biology Test Questions and Answers PDF book covers basic concepts, analytical and practical assessment tests. "Class 10 Biology Quiz Questions" Book PDF helps to practice test questions from exam prep notes. The Class 10 Biology Quiz Questions and Answers PDF eBook includes revision guide with verbal, quantitative, and analytical past papers, solved tests. Class 10 Biology Questions and Answers PDF : Free download chapter 1, a book covers solved common questions and answers on chapters: Biotechnology, coordination and control, gaseous exchange, homeostasis, inheritance, internal environment maintenance, man and environment, pharmacology, reproduction, support and movement tests for school and college revision guide. Biology Interview Questions and Answers PDF Download , free eBook’s sample covers beginner's solved questions, textbook's study notes to practice online tests. The book Class 10 Biology Interview Questions Chapter 1-10 PDF includes high school question papers to review practice tests for exams. Class 10 Biology Practice Tests, a textbook's revision guide with chapters' tests for NEET/MCAT/MDCAT/SAT/ACT competitive exam. 10th Grade Biology Questions Bank Chapter 1-10 PDF book covers problem solving exam tests from biology textbook and practical eBook chapter-wise as: Chapter 1: Biotechnology Questions Chapter 2: Coordination and Control Questions Chapter 3: Gaseous Exchange Questions Chapter 4: Homeostasis Questions Chapter 5: Inheritance Questions Chapter 6: Internal Environment Maintenance Questions Chapter 7: Man and Environment Questions Chapter 8: Pharmacology Questions Chapter 9: Reproduction Questions Chapter 10: Support and Movement Questions The e-Book Biotechnology Questions and Answers PDF: Download chapter 1 interview questions on Introduction to biotechnology, genetic engineering, alcoholic fermentation, fermentation, carbohydrate fermentation, fermentation and applications, fermenters, lactic acid fermentation, lungs, and single cell protein. The e-Book Coordination and Control Questions and Answers PDF: Download chapter 2 interview questions on Coordination, types of coordination, anatomy, autonomic nervous system, central nervous system, disorders of nervous system, endocrine glands, endocrine system, endocrine system disorders, endocrinology, glucose level, human body parts and structure, human brain, human ear, human nervous system, human physiology, human receptors, life sciences, nervous coordination, nervous system function, nervous system parts and functions, neurons, neuroscience, peripheral nervous system, receptors in humans, spinal cord, what is nervous system, and zoology. The e-Book Gaseous Exchange Questions and Answers PDF: Download chapter 3 interview questions on Gaseous exchange process, gaseous exchange in humans, gaseous exchange in plants, cellular respiration, exchange of gases in humans, lungs, photosynthesis, respiratory disorders, thoracic diseases, and zoology. The e-Book Homeostasis Questions and Answers PDF: Download chapter 4 interview questions on Introduction to homeostasis, plant homeostasis, homeostasis in humans, homeostasis in plants, anatomy, human kidney, human urinary system, kidney disease, kidney disorders, urinary system facts, urinary system functions, urinary system of humans, urinary system structure, and urine composition. The e-Book Inheritance Questions and Answers PDF: Download chapter 5 interview questions on Mendel's laws of inheritance, inheritance: variations and evolution, introduction to chromosomes, chromosomes and cytogenetics, chromosomes and genes, co and complete dominance, DNA structure, genotypes, hydrogen bonding, introduction to genetics, molecular biology, thymine and adenine, and zoology. The e-Book Internal Environment Maintenance Questions and Answers PDF: Download chapter 6 interview questions on Excretory system, homeostasis in humans, homeostasis in plants, kidney disorders, photosynthesis, renal system, urinary system functions, and urinary system of humans. The e-Book Man and Environment Questions and Answers PDF: Download chapter 7 interview questions on Bacteria, pollution, carnivores, conservation of nature, ecological pyramid, ecology, ecosystem balance and human impact, flow of materials and energy in ecosystems, flows of materials and ecosystem energy, interactions in ecosystems, levels of ecological organization, parasites, photosynthesis, pollution: consequences and control, symbiosis, and zoology. The e-Book Pharmacology Questions and Answers PDF: Download chapter 8 interview questions on Introduction to pharmacology, addictive drugs, antibiotics and vaccines, lymphocytes, medicinal drugs, and narcotics drugs. The e-Book Reproduction Questions and Answers PDF: Download chapter 9 interview questions on Introduction to reproduction, sexual reproduction in animals, sexual reproduction in plants, methods of asexual reproduction, mitosis and cell reproduction, sperms, anatomy, angiosperm, calyx, endosperm, gametes, human body parts and structure, invertebrates, microspore, pollination, seed germination, sporophyte, and vegetative propagation. The e-Book Support and Movement Questions and Answers PDF: Download chapter 10 interview questions on Muscles and movements, axial skeleton, components of human skeleton, disorders of skeletal system, elbow joint, human body and skeleton, human body parts and structure, human ear, human skeleton, invertebrates, joint classification, osteoporosis, skeletal system, triceps and bicep, types of joints, and zoology.

June 5, 2023
Arshad Iqbal
Arshad Iqbal

I Contain Multitudes

New York Times Bestseller New York Times Notable Book of 2016 • NPR Great Read of 2016 • Named a Best Book of 2016 by The Economist, Smithsonian, NPR's Science Friday, MPR, Minnesota Star Tribune, Kirkus Reviews, Publishers Weekly, The Guardian, Times (London) From Pulitzer Prize winner Ed Yong, a groundbreaking, wondrously informative, and vastly entertaining examination of the most significant revolution in biology since Darwin—a “microbe’s-eye view” of the world that reveals a marvelous, radically reconceived picture of life on earth. Every animal, whether human, squid, or wasp, is home to millions of bacteria and other microbes. Pulitzer Prize-winning author Ed Yong, whose humor is as evident as his erudition, prompts us to look at ourselves and our animal companions in a new light—less as individuals and more as the interconnected, interdependent multitudes we assuredly are. The microbes in our bodies are part of our immune systems and protect us from disease. In the deep oceans, mysterious creatures without mouths or guts depend on microbes for all their energy. Bacteria provide squid with invisibility cloaks, help beetles to bring down forests, and allow worms to cause diseases that afflict millions of people. Many people think of microbes as germs to be eradicated, but those that live with us—the microbiome—build our bodies, protect our health, shape our identities, and grant us incredible abilities. In this astonishing book, Ed Yong takes us on a grand tour through our microbial partners, and introduces us to the scientists on the front lines of discovery. It will change both our view of nature and our sense of where we belong in it.

August 9, 2016
Ed Yong