Short Stories in French for Beginners

An unmissable collection of eight unconventional and captivating short stories for young and adult learners. "I love Olly's work - and you will too!" - Barbara Oakley, PhD, Author of New York Times bestseller A Mind for Numbers Short Stories in French for Beginners has been written especially for students from beginner to intermediate level, designed to give a sense of achievement, and most importantly - enjoyment! Mapped to A2-B1 on the Common European Framework of Reference, these eight captivating stories will both entertain you, and give you a feeling of progress when reading. What does this book give you? · Eight stories in a variety of exciting genres, from science fiction and crime to history and thriller - making reading fun, while you learn a wide range of new vocabulary · Controlled language at your level, including the 1000 most frequent words, to help you progress confidently · Authentic spoken dialogues, to help you learn conversational expressions and improve your speaking ability · Pleasure! It's much easier to learn a new language when you're having fun, and research shows that if you're enjoying reading in a foreign language, you won't experience the usual feelings of frustration - 'It's too hard!' 'I don't understand!' · Accessible grammar so you learn new structures naturally, in a stress-free way Carefully curated to make learning a new language easy, these stories include key features that will support and consolidate your progress, including · A glossary for bolded words in each text · Full plot summary · A bilingual word list · Comprehension questions after each chapter. As a result, you will be able to focus on enjoying reading, delighting in your improved range of vocabulary and grasp of the language, without ever feeling overwhelmed or frustrated. From science fiction to fantasy, to crime and thrillers, Short Stories in French for Beginners will make learning French easy and enjoyable.

October 4, 2018
Olly Richards & Richard Simcott
French Language Studies
John Murray Press

Muerte en Buenos Aires - Novelas en español para principiantes (A1)

¿Estás buscando historias para mejorar tu español? Sé lo difícil que es encontrar buenos libros para ayudarte a aprender un nuevo idioma. Usualmente no tienes un vocabulario extenso. No puedes leer novelas largas y complejas destinadas a hablantes nativos. Te gustaría ir directamente a las cosas divertidas, pero tal vez sea demasiado difícil para ti ahora. Las típicas lecturas fáciles en español para principiantes no son nteresantes o son realmente aburridas. Pero este libro no es así. Aprender y practicar español con esta serie de lecturas es bien fácil. Olvídate de textos largos y difíciles con traducciones al inglés. Este libro para estudiantes de español no es así: ¡te llevará al siguiente nivel en muy poco tiempo! Eso significa menos esfuerzo en tu camino hacia la fluidez en español. Mejorar tu español puede ser divertido. Un libro en español fácil y divertido Muerte en Buenos Aires es el tercer libro de la serie de novelas en español. Esta lectura de dificultad graduada está repleta de expresiones útiles que se necesitan en situaciones cotidianas: saludos, comprar cosas, hablar con amigos, etc. Cualquiera que ya conozca los conceptos básicos del idioma español está listo para leer este libro. Asumo que ya tienes un conocimiento general de pronombres personales, artículos y algunos verbos y sustantivos comunes en español. En realidad, el único tiempo verbal que necesitas conocer para el nivel A1 es el presente simple. Una historia de detectives que sucede en Buenos Aires. Una mujer es asesinada en su proprio apartamento sin razón aparente. El caso parece muy difícil y no hay pistas. Miguel –un detective privado– comienza a trabajar en él y crea un plan muy loco para capturar al asesino. Este sencillo libro en español te mostrará las estructuras gramaticales más utilizadas en diferentes situaciones. Como el nivel de dificultad es el correcto, aprenderás y lo disfrutarás al mismo tiempo. No hay duda: un libro para principiantes en español es el material perfecto para comenzar a practicar el idioma. ¿Por qué leer estas historias en español? Oraciones cortasCapítulos cortosVocabulario fácilGramática simpleDiálogos cotidianos Una lectura graduada en español SIMPLE Ejemplos de oraciones que encontrarás en el libro: Miguel es un detective privado. Él tiene 32 años y vive solo. Su ídolo es James Bond. Llegó el momento de leer en español. ¡A practicar!  

October 2, 2017
Paco Ardit
Foreign Languages
Paco Ardit

Instant! Cantonese

Speak Cantonese in seconds with this down-to-earth, practical and slightly cheeky phrase book. It's your brilliant traveling companion for Hong Kong, South China, Macau and Chinatowns everywhere. If you want to learn authentic, street-wise Cantonese, then this is the little red book for you.

January 9, 2013
Bill Loh & Nick Theobald
Foreign Languages

Webster's Spanish-English Dictionary/Diccionario Ingles-Espanol

A comprehensive dictionary in Spanish-English, and English-Spanish, with US spellings, this is a bestselling entry-level dictionary that has over 36,000 words and translations. With modern entries and a clear layout this dictionary also contains verb lists to help learners.

October 20, 2015
Claire Crawford
Spanish Language Studies
Geddes and Grosset

McGraw-Hill's Spanish Student Dictionary

The words you need, quickly and easily Especially designed for beginning learners, this dictionary will help you master the essential words of Spanish. Inside you'll find entries that include pronunciations and grammatical information in a clear, easy-to-understand format, as well as helpful example sentences to show each word in everyday context.

June 14, 2008
Regina M. Qualls & L. Sanchez
Spanish Language Studies
McGraw Hill LLC

Spanish for English Speakers: Dictionary English - Spanish: 700+ of the Most Important Words / Vocabulary for Beginners with Useful Phrases to Improve Learning - Level A1 - A2

With the help of this book, you will quickly master the most important words of the Spanish language and will be able to immediately use your knowledge in communicating with Spanish speakers. As you know, from 500 to 800 words consist of up to about 90% of the language used in everyday life. Having mastered these most common words, you will overcome the language barrier and be able to understand and communicate in Spanish. You will receive: 1.700 most used words in English with Spanish translation. 3. Examples of using words for better memorization. 4. Spanish-English and English-Spanish dictionaries for the convenient search of the necessary words. 5. Numbers, days of the week, and months. 6. Great gift for anyone who wants to learn the language. Do you want to learn the basics of the language quickly and easily? Then read this book.

February 15, 2023
Fiona Wagenar & Nadia Pletiak
Spanish Language Studies
Fiona Wagenar

French Grammar For Dummies

The easy way to master French grammar French Grammar For Dummies is a logical extension and complement to the successful language learning book, French For Dummies. In plain English, it teaches you the grammatical rules of the French language, including parts of speech, sentence construction, pronouns, adjectives, punctuation, stress and verb tenses, and moods. Throughout the book, you get plenty of practice opportunities to help you on your goal of mastering basic French grammar and usage. Grasp the grammatical rules of French including parts of speech, sentence construction, and verb tenses Enhance your descriptive speech with adverbs, adjectives, and prepositions Benefit from plenty of practice opportunities throughout the book Use the French language confidently and correctly Whether you're a student studying French or a professional looking to get ahead of the pack by learning a second language, French Grammar For Dummies is your hands-on guide to quickly and painlessly master the written aspect of this popular language.

April 5, 2013
Véronique Mazet
French Language Studies

Tagalog for Beginners

This is a straightforward and user-friendly guide to the Tagalog language. Tagalog for Beginners is the book to help you learn Tagalog (Filipino) on your own, efficiently and accurately--whether you're traveling to the Philippines for a vacation or a business trip, or you have ties to the sizeable Tagalog-speaking community in the U.S., or you're merely a language lover. From the fascinating history of Philippines' language to how you speak it, join skilled teacher Barrios on a guided introduction--with a practical focus. After journeying through the carefully-paced explanations, conversations, cultural info, and activities in Tagalog for Beginners, learners will be able to use Tagalog (Filipino) in a wide range of natural situations. From shopping for food to asking directions, from telling time to expressing how you feel, this book gives you the communication skills you need. The downloadable audio helps reinforce pronunciation and improve listening comprehension. Helpful suggestions guide heritage learners (those of Filipino descent but born outside the Philippines) on how to use the book most effectively for their needs. Key features include: : Accompanying downloadable audio. Realistic dialogues to bring the language to life. Activities and exercises to help you read, write, speak and understand. Notes on the Tagalog language and history. A specific section guides native (heritage) learners and instructors on how to use the book most effectively for their needs.

July 15, 2014
Joi Barrios
Foreign Languages
Tuttle Publishing

Cambridge Latin Course (5th Ed) Unit 3 Stage 30

Brings Latin to Life! Cambridge Latin Course Unit 3 Stage 30 includes Model Sentences, Latin Stories, and information about the language and cultural background, plus an exciting range of multimedia activities designed to support teaching and learning Latin.

March 8, 2019
University of Cambridge School Classics Project
Foreign Languages
University of Cambridge School Classics Project

English 101 Series: 101 Conversation Phrases

This book is designed for people who are learning English as a foreign language and wish to improve their use of English conversation phrases. This set of conversation phrases contains many similar entries to the 101 connectives book in the ‘English 101’ series. This book contains 101 conversation phrases that are frequently used in English, arranged alphabetically. Each conversation phrase is provided with two examples of its use. The examples are provided as answers to questions from the IELTS test, but the book can be used by any teenage or adult learner who is at intermediate level. At the end of the book, there are 12 longer model answers to IELTS part 2 style questions, each containing 8 or 9 conversation phrases.

April 12, 2013
Mark Griffiths
Foreign Languages
Mark Griffiths

500 Basic Korean Verbs

This is a complete study guide to the most common Korean verbs Korean grammar is notoriously difficult for foreigners to master but is essential for those wishing to learn Korean. Easy-to-use 500 Basic Korean Verbs is the only comprehensive guide to the correct usage of Korean verbs available for English-speaking learners. Each of the 500 most important Korean verbs is presented in a convenient single-page format that gives the verb's meaning and pronunciation and displays the verb's 48 key tenses, speech levels, and moods (all accompanied by romanizations). Also included are a handy guide to the Korean language and verb conjugation and reference tables of basic Korean verb types, along with 3 indexes (Romanized, Hangeul, and English). 500 Basic Korean Verbs Includes: Conjugations by tense, speech levels, and mood. "Model verb" system quickly identifies each verb's pattern. Sample sentences demonstrating the verb's correct usage. Free downloadable audio provides pronunciations for the verbs and 1,000 example sentences. Korean characters (Hangul) as well as romanized pronunciations to help English speakers. Two-color design makes quick reference easy.

August 4, 2015
Kyubyong Park
Korean Language Studies
Tuttle Publishing

Learn Japanese 人間失格 No Longer Human

You can read Japanese Novels with JLPT N3/N2 Japanese. Osamu Dazai 太宰治(だざいおさむ)(1909-1948) No Longer Human 人間失格(にんげんしっかく) Run Melos!走れメロス! This series is for the people/students who want to learn Japanese.

September 10, 2020
Learning to Read Japanese & Osamu Dazai
Japanese Language Studies
Learning to Read Japanese